
June 24, 2008 Litter
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 Motley 50% Het Albino  X  Genetic-Striped DH Sunglow 
This litter was one of our most anticipated of the season - this genetic-striped DH sunglow was bred by a 50% possible het albino motley, and she did everything absolutely perfectly, right down to giving birth at POS+105!  Last year this motley had bred a het albino that slugged out early on us dropping 24 slugs and 6 stillborn premies - two of which were albinos - so we felt pretty good about him being het albino and were hoping for a sunglow motley or at least an albino motley or two.

Sire: Motley 50% Possible Het Albino

Dam: Genetic-Striped DH Sunglow

The first glance into the cage was a bit of a let down because we didn't see ANY white boas....

June 24, 2008 Litter

June 24, 2008 Litter

....and it didn't get any better when we found that the ONE white boa hidden in the pile - a sunglow - was stillborn as were many of the others.  A bit of the sunglow is just visible toward the back right in this photo.

June 24, 2008 Litter

When we finished sorting through the carnage, the total count was (all are 100% het genetic-stripe and 66% possible het albino):  5 Salmon-hypo motleys, 2 motleys, 1 Salmon-hypo and 3 normals.  The stillborns included 1 sunglow, 2 Salmon-hypo motleys, 2 motleys, 3 Salmon-hypos and 3 normals; there were also 9 slugs.
We're not sure what happened with all the stillborns - the live ones are all big, strong and robust.  Among the stillborns, one of the Salmon-hypos and one of the normals had some deformities, but the rest looked as though they should have started crawling away at any moment.
The upside to all this was that we got SOME!

June 24, 2008 Litter

June 24, 2008 Litter

The normal with the big yolk sac is doing just fine - we tied off the sac and everything went routinely from there.
This little one was not at all sure about leaving the comforts of home!

June 24, 2008 Litter

June 24, 2008 Litter

Even though they are only het genetic-stripe, the tail striping on some of the hypo motleys runs very nearly half their body length!

Hypo Motley Het Genetic-Stripe 66% het Sunglow

Hypo Motley Het Genetic-Stripe 66% het Sunglow

Hypo Motley Het Genetic-Stripe 66% het Sunglow

Motley Het Genetic-Stripe 66% het Albino

This little 66% possible DH sunglow makes us smile every time we open her box.  She is SO PINK, and she got her mama's dragon head markings!

Het genetic-stripe 66% DH Sunglow

Het genetic-stripe 66% DH Sunglow

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