From Salmon-hypo X Normal
(25% Suriname)
This male was a 50% possible supersalmon
that we acquired from Rich and John at Salmonboa, and the female is a normal from our Groovy Coral bloodline that, based on
her appearance and offspring, we have always thought could be a coral trait carrier. This was a nice
litter of 13 salmons and 9 normals, proving that this male is not a supersalmon. Whether there is any coral influence
or not, the color intensity on the salmons in this litter is outstanding.
Raised patiently on small meals at regular intervals, these boas
are now on f/t adult mice. Currently ranging from about 3 to 3½ feet in length, we have just a few females left, and they have a good chance of being
ready for Fall '09 breeding season. Our Photo Album has baby pictures and more of all from this litter.
060807m02. Male. Salmon-hypo. Very
clean, light and colorful, this boy is outstanding.
060807m04. Male. Salmon-hypo. Super
clean and colorful. This male has intense pink on the sides and a buff-colored dorsal.
060807m06. Male. Salmon-hypo. Thin
saddles and a tail full of rich red-brown.
060807f01. Female. Salmon-hypo. One
of the larger ones, this girl is intensely colored.
060807f05. Female. Salmon-hypo. Thin
saddles, high-yellow and very light.
060807f07. Female. Salmon-hypo. One
of the larger ones, this girl is clean, very nicely colored and has a BIG tail.
060807f08. Female. Salmon-hypo. This
girl has the classic head-to-tail color gradation and blue-grey mottling over the bright light pink on her
060807f10. Female. Salmon-hypo. Reduced
saddles and extreme dorso-lateral color shift - bright pink sides and a classic buckskin dorsal.
060807f11. Female. Salmon-hypo. An intensely
colored girl exhibiting reduced saddles and extreme dorso-lateral color shift.